Jan - Mar 2022 Donor Impact Report

See what the Kids' Fund was able to achieve between January and March 2022 by taking a look at our 1st quarterly Donor Impact Report of the year! In the first three months of 2022 we were able to fund over $300,000 in individual grants, supporting 134 individual children in BC. Now over halfway through May, we are well on our way to doubling those numbers by the end of this quarter.

We know that no child or treatment is the same - so we keep our granting guidelines flexible to be able to fund the unique needs of each child. This allows us to fund everything from medical equipment, to home and vehicle modifications, to vital therapies and educational supports. We strive to breakdown not only physical barriers, but emotional, social, and academic ones too so that every child has the opportunity to realize their full potential.

None of this would have been possible without the generous support of our community, and for that we thank you!